Joolz Dunkley (Tar Babies And Cutting Crew) Tells Us What Is In His Refrigerator

Yes, this interview is about more than the man’s grocery stores. We like having a little fun with our questions and Joolz was nice enough to indulge us. Enjoy because it could have gone badly if he wasn’t so patient.

TEN QUESTIONS WITH Joolz Dunkley The Tar Babies, Cutting Crew

Rob – Thanks Joolz for agreeing to do our Ten Questions Series. We get a chance to interview people in the music field from all over the world. Can you tell our readers where you grew up and how you got into music?

Joolz– I grew up in East Grinstead, born in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Rob – Let’s talk about the Super Group, The Tar Babies. How did this collaboration come about and how did you get involved?

Joolz– I formed the band about 35 years ago.

Rob – You released a solo album a few years ago call “Tales From A Witchfinder General.” I hate using up all my questions about one item, but I gotta stick to the ten questions or they won’t feed me here. So, let’s try to ask an overarching question that you can write about. Would you tell us about this album? How long did it take to record? What is your favorite cut? How was it received in the community?

Joolz – Nice of you to ask, it was an album that I needed to do, a sort of exorcism of my inner self, took ages, life gets in the way. Second album nearly done, and it’ll be called “An Island with its own rainbow”

Rob – You joined the great band the Cutting Crew a few years ago and we want to know if you still perform as a part of the band?

Joolz– I don’t at the moment, I’ve played with Nick on and off for years, we did some writing together back in the 90s too, I’ve known him for longer than I should admit! Well since he was in The Drivers.

Rob – We know you get a chance to play keys AND guitar. If you had to choose which instrument to play only on tour, what would it be and why?

Joolz– I’m happier on guitar, it’s more fun!

Rob – So many bands and artists get “labeled” as being a part of a certain genre only. If you had to put yourself into one music category or style, what would it be?

Joolz– Ha, tricky that one, Bacharach meets Rundgren perhaps…….

Rob – You’ve played all over the world and been on tour a lot. Is there one place that you would play again and again if you had your choice?

Joolz– The Cartoon in Croydon, sweaty, smelly gig with a great vibe.

Rob – I get laughed at, hopefully laughed with, with some of the stupid questions I sometimes ask. So, stay with me here. If I visited your house right now and opened the refrigerator, what would I find?

Joolz– I just had to go and look, beer and salami!

Rob – I’ve had a great time learning about different artists and really could have hundreds of questions instead of ten. You and the audience may get bored, but I’d have fun. Every musician I’ve talked to has a secret side passion. Some love to golf. Some love music we never would have guessed they would love. Can you give us one thing you like doing in your spare time that people would be surprised to learn about?

Joolz– Old cars! I don’t have any cars younger than 60 years old. Oh, and Jack Russells!

Rob – Finally, what do you have planned for the next year or two musically?

Joolz – I just gotta finish this last album. And buy that little house in Tenerife.