Bringing you the shows you can access to hear your favorite artists and what they are up to now. A little irreverent at times, sometimes serious, and always done with a love for music and the creators themselves.

Everybody Needs A Little Joel Hoekstra In Their Lives – Artists With Adam

Lawrence Gowan Of Styx Revisited – Artists With Adam

Matt Scannell Of Vertical Horizon Is Everything We Want Says Our Own Adam

Adam gets down to the Grass Roots of music with Mark Dawson

Simon Hough Talks With Adam

The Songs Of Your Personal Soundtrack – Bryan Bassett With Adam

Ron Wikso Of The Steve Miller Band Talks With Adam

Will Turpin Opens Up With Adam

Pat Bautz Of Three Dog Night Opens Up With Adam

Our First Video Interview! Lawrence Gowan Of Styx

Ronni Le Tekro Of Ledfoot and TNT Talks With Adam

Billy Sheehan Tells Adam Its All About The Bass