Time To Blast Off With Joel Eckels

Today, April 15th, Joel Eckels released his new song “Rocketship”. What a breath of fresh air this song is for us. There is nothing like a great rock song to put you in a good mood. Plus, today is Joel’s birthday! In his honor, I’m having cake for dinner. Don’t tell anyone!

Thanks Joel for a great song that is sure to be on the Masters Radio Top 100 Chart in May.

1 thought on “Time To Blast Off With Joel Eckels

  1. Sarah Dionne says:

    LOVE THIS SO MUCH ❤️ Immediately puts a Smile on my Face and All the Yummie Feels in My Heart ???????
    Congratulations to JOEL ECKELS ? ‼️ Rocketship IS AWESOME ? Take Me on board ?????


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