To All Of The Fans of Masters Radio

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While some people may ask what is “new music”, we like to tell them “if you haven’t heard it, then its new to you!” We try to play as much of the recently released music that we can every month on our live stream. The plan is that you should be able to find your favorite band or artists’ page and we will have their recent music and information listed there. This is a LOT of work and we are trying to do the best that we can and do it as fast as possible.

Right now we have almost 2000 pages under the Musicians section of the site. Most of these pages are empty and we plan on filling them with the great music we receive, discover, or is released worldwide. We will miss some and forget others. Yet, our plan to take care of artists when we eventually switch to a subscription model. We also still plan on paying their healthcare costs. We will get there and appreciate all the support.

The best way to help us is to set up a bookmark to us on your browser bar. Then, we now have advertisers and the more you click on them to visit their sites, the more fees we receive. Right now its pennies and we need to pump up the visitors. We’ve concentrated on advertising on social media and will continue to do so. Hopefully, our fans will make the effort to find us. ITS EASY!!!! We place the website in every post we put up. If it isn’t in the lead in then it is found on the memes themselves.

So, your assignment is this. Click on the link to our site. Click on the advertisers you see on your screen. Then, share our info with all of your contacts on social media.

Again, thanks for all of your support. We have worked hard to get to this point and the fun is just beginning.

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