No Two Tickets, Just Your Passport With Barry Upton

Barry Upton, Barry's Tropical Beach Café in High-Resolution Audio - ProStudioMastersSome people think it is weird that we promote other radio stations or websites. Our position is that we exist to help you learn about new music from our artists. They owe us NOTHING and we don’t ask for anything but more great music from them.

Barry Upton has been a music staple for more years than he probably would want us to say. He is a songwriter, musician, producer, audio engineer, and TV & radio presenter. In his spare time….

We couldn’t find anything to report on his spare time. He did put out a summer album and since the weather is warmer here in the Northern Hemisphere, it is perfect timing. We are featuring “Passport to Paradise” from Barry and will give a shoutout to Anne Street for letting us know. Although its been said we are omnipotent and omniscient, this proves the theory wrong…again.

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