Our crack team of experts sacrifice daily to listen to new music and then tell you what they like about it. They also attend concerts (when they are live) and let you know how great they are, what they didn’t like, and if they met groupies backstage.

The team consists of men and women of all ages. Some of the reviewers needed a note from their mother to attend the concerts and some of them are the mom that wrote the note.

In any case, if you agree or don’t agree with their review, then you are more than entitled to your opinion. We’ll never tell you what NOT to see, hear, or buy. We also aren’t compensated or receive favors for our reviews. We do reserve the right to get an autograph or two, share a drink with a band, or help an artist get a ride to their next gig in sharing a cab.

If you do agree with a review, tell us. We really enjoy positive feedback. If you don’t agree with us, the complaint department is being set up. So, wait a second for the email to send those complaints. We’ll be SURE to read them right away.