Nothing Equals Rossall’s Equalizer

First, my apologies to John for the different spelling of “Equaliser.” Our American bastardization of the Queen’s English is the only version that passes Spell Check.

Oh, I almost forgot. THIS IS A GREAT SONG! In fact, all of the songs we have featured from John have been awesome. There is just something about the rhythm of it that makes you want to sit up straighter in your seat. Enjoy.

1 thought on “Nothing Equals Rossall’s Equalizer

  1. Anne Street says:

    Great song Equalizer on Rossall Last Glam In Town, gifted to John by his old friend New Yorker Alan Merrill ( Arrows ) who wrote huge hit I Love Rock’n Roll.
    Alan on guitar & backing vocals. Thank you so much Rob for posting. You’ve got the spelling right, too – its listed as Equalizer on the album cover.? ?


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