Masters Radio, where artists you know can debut new music. Classical music identifies artists from the past as “Masters,” so will future generations identify the legends of our era.

Popular Artists from 1955-2002 (Masters Period) have no common place to debut new music. Lower music sales means artists are giving away music.  Our research shows over 3000+ artists have a large amount of new music not being played by the Internet, Satellite, or Terrestrial radio

Many Artists are still preforming/touring. More than 80% of the 3000+ researched artists have new or unreleased music. Sadly, listeners have no direct venue to listen to this music and many are unaware new music exists.

Terrestrial Radio stations rarely play new music from older artists. Stations tend to play music from larger record labels and not independent or individual artists.

Satellite/Internet Radio rarely will recognize or play music in this category.

Amazon, Apple iTunes, Google, and more, will bury these songs and artists so they can showcase more popular, newer, frequently played artists.