Alice May Have Left, But The Vapors Are In Wonderland

In tracking Masters Radio bands and solo artists, we have found that there are quite a few that are known for one particular song. It isn’t right to put them in a class of “One Hit Wonders” because their music goes beyond just one song.

The Vapors are a band that were known for a single hit. This song “Wonderland” proves that the stigma of being an OHW type band is unwarranted. It is a good thing that bands like this still push forward in setting a path against the naysayers and those that try to label all music. Our 30 news mentality has decimated many great artists who only get recognized if their current song makes a top 40 rotation. The Vapors don’t deserve the OHW tag and we are glad they are in the Masters Radio library. Oh and did we mention we have now played TWO songs off of this album from them? Yes, we are that crazy.

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